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[lttv.git] / trunk / lttng-xenomai / LinuxTraceToolkitViewer-0.8.61-xenoltt / doc / developer / developer_guide / html / x23.html
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5 >A typical module</TITLE
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10 TITLE="Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer Developer Guide"
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13 TITLE="Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer Text Module Tutorial"
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19 TITLE="The hooks"
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56 >Chapter 1. Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer Text Module Tutorial</TD
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73 ><H1
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75 ><A
76 NAME="AEN23"
77 >1.2. A typical module</A
78 ></H1
79 ><P
80 >&#13;A typical module must have a init() and destroy() function. Please refer to
81 lttv/modules/text/textDump.c for the detail of these functions.
82 </P
83 ><P
84 >&#13;The init() function is called when the library is loaded and destroy()
85 inversely. It adds options to the command line by calling "lttv_option_add" from
86 option.h
87 </P
88 ><P
89 >&#13;The module communicates with the main lttv program through the use of global
90 attributes. Use lttv/attribute.h, lttv/iattribute.h and lttv/lttv.h, and then
91 LTTV_IATTRIBUTE(lttv_global_attributes()) to get the pointer to these
92 global attributes.
93 </P
94 ><P
95 >&#13;You can then add your hooks (functions that follows the prototype of a hook, as
96 defined in lttv/hook.h) in the different hook lists defined in lttv/lttv.h. Note
97 that hooks have an assigned priority. This is necessary to inform the trace
98 reader that a specific hook needs to be called, for example, before or after the
99 state update done for an event by the state module. For that specific example, a
100 hook could use the LTTV_PRIO_STATE-5 to get called before the state update and a
101 second hook could use the LTTV_PRIO_STATE+5 to get called after the state
102 update. This is especially important for graphical module, which is the subject
103 of a the chapter named "Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer Graphical Module Tutorial".
104 </P
105 ><P
106 >&#13;You should also take a look at lttv/state.c, where by_id hooks are used. When
107 you only need some specific events, you should use this interface. It makes the
108 event filtering sooner in the dispatch chain : you hook doesn't have to be
109 called for each event, only the ones selected. That improves the performances a
110 lot!
111 </P
112 ><P
113 >&#13;Note that you should use the lttv_trace_find_hook method from
114 lttv/tracecontext.h to connect the hook to the right facility/event type. See
115 state.c for an example. A problem that may arise is that the LttvTraceHook
116 structure must be passed as hook_data when registering the hook. In fact, it is
117 not necessary for it to be directly passed as the hook_data parameter. As long
118 as the hook function can access the LttvTraceHook fields necessary to parse the
119 LttEvent, there is no problem. In a complex viewer where you need a pointer to
120 your own data structure, just keep a pointer to the LttvTraceHook structure
121 inside your own data structure, and give to pointer to your data structure in
122 parameter as the hook_data.
123 </P
124 ><P
125 >&#13;Then, you should use the macro LTTV_MODULE, defined in lttv/module.h. It allows
126 you to specify the module name, a short and a long description, the init and
127 destroy functions and the module dependencies. That permits to the module
128 backend to load the right dependencies when needed.
129 </P
130 ><P
131 >&#13;A typical text module will depend on batchAnalysis for the batch computation of a
132 trace, and simply register before and after trace hooks, as weel as the most
133 important one : a event hook.
134 </P
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180 >Linux Trace Toolkit Viewer Text Module Tutorial</TD
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