- defaults: name: lttng-ust description: | LTTng-UST, the Linux Trace Toolkit Next Generation Userspace Tracer, is a port of the low-overhead tracing capabilities of the LTTng kernel tracer to user-space. The library "liblttng-ust" enables tracing of applications and libraries.

Job is managed by Jenkins Job Builder.

project-type: freestyle logrotate: numToKeep: 2 wrappers: - workspace-cleanup - timestamps - ansicolor scm: - git: url: git://github.com/{github_user}/{github_name}.git browser: githubweb browser-url: https://github.com/{github_user}/{github_name} branches: - origin/{version} triggers: - pollscm: cron: "@hourly" properties: - github: url: https://github.com/{github_user}/{github_name} ## Templates - job-template: name: lttng-ust_{version}_{buildtype} defaults: lttng-ust project-type: matrix node: 'master' # Applies only to matrix flyweight task execution-strategy: combination-filter: | (build=="std") || (liburcu_version=="master") axes: - axis: type: slave name: arch values: '{obj:arch}' - axis: type: user-defined name: conf values: '{obj:conf}' - axis: type: user-defined name: liburcu_version values: !include: jobs/inc/liburcu-versions.yaml.inc - axis: type: user-defined name: build values: '{obj:build}' builders: - copyartifact: project: liburcu_${{liburcu_version}}_{buildtype}/arch=$arch,conf=std,build=std which-build: last-successful stable: true filter: 'build/**' target: 'deps/liburcu' do-not-fingerprint: true - shell: !include-raw-escape: scripts/lttng-ust/build.sh # TODO: Scan for open tasks publishers: - tap: results: 'tap/**/*.tap' failed-tests-mark-build-as-failure: true todo-is-failure: false - warnings: console-log-parsers: - 'GNU Make + GNU C Compiler (gcc)' total-thresholds: unstable: total-all: 0 total-high: 0 total-normal: 0 total-low: 0 - archive: artifacts: 'build/**' allow-empty: false - workspace-cleanup - ircbot: strategy: new-failure-and-fixed matrix-notifier: only-parent channels: - name: '#lttng' - job-template: name: lttng-ust_{version}_java-tests defaults: lttng-ust description: | Tests for LTTng-UST's Java agent. Runs the master branch of lttng-ust-java-tests against the {version} branches of UST, lttng-tools, and Babeltrace.

Job is managed by Jenkins Job Builder.

project-type: matrix node: 'master' # Applies only to matrix flyweight task axes: - axis: type: slave name: arch values: '{obj:arch}' - axis: type: user-defined name: jdk_version values: - 'OpenJDK-8' - axis: type: user-defined name: liburcu_version values: - 'master' - axis: type: user-defined name: lttng_ust_version values: - 'master' - axis: type: user-defined name: lttng_tools_version values: - 'master' wrappers: - workspace-cleanup - timestamps - ansicolor - inject: properties-content: | LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${{WORKSPACE}}/deps/build/lib" PATH="${{WORKSPACE}}/deps/build/bin:${{PATH}}" LTTNG_CONSUMERD32_BIN="${{WORKSPACE}}/deps/build/lib/lttng/libexec/lttng-consumerd" LTTNG_CONSUMERD64_BIN="${{WORKSPACE}}/deps/build/lib/lttng/libexec/lttng-consumerd" script-content: | scm: - git: url: git://github.com/lttng/lttng-ust-java-tests.git browser: githubweb browser-url: https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ust-java-tests branches: - origin/{version} basedir: lttng-ust-java-tests triggers: - pollscm: cron: "@daily" properties: - github: url: https://github.com/lttng/lttng-ust-java-tests builders: - copyartifact: project: liburcu_${{liburcu_version}}_build/arch=${{arch}},conf=std,build=std which-build: last-successful stable: true filter: 'build/**' target: 'deps' do-not-fingerprint: true - copyartifact: project: lttng-ust_{version}_build/liburcu_version=${{liburcu_version}},arch=${{arch}},conf=java-agent,build=std which-build: last-successful stable: true filter: 'build/**' target: 'deps' do-not-fingerprint: true - copyartifact: project: lttng-tools_${{lttng_tools_version}}_build/babeltrace_version=master,liburcu_version=${{liburcu_version}},arch=${{arch}},conf=java-agent,build=std which-build: last-successful stable: true filter: 'build/**' target: 'deps' do-not-fingerprint: true - copyartifact: project: babeltrace_master_build/arch=${{arch}},conf=std,build=std which-build: last-successful stable: true filter: 'build/**' target: 'deps' do-not-fingerprint: true - shell: | #!/bin/sh -eux # Start the lttng-sessiond lttng-sessiond -d - maven-target: goals: '-version' maven-version: 'Maven 3.3.3' private-repository: true - maven-target: goals: | clean verify pom: 'lttng-ust-java-tests/pom.xml' properties: - maven.test.failure.ignore=true - common-jar-location=${{WORKSPACE}}/deps/build/share/java/lttng-ust-agent-common.jar - jul-jar-location=${{WORKSPACE}}/deps/build/share/java/lttng-ust-agent-jul.jar - log4j-jar-location=${{WORKSPACE}}/deps/build/share/java/lttng-ust-agent-log4j.jar - argLine=-Djava.library.path=${{WORKSPACE}}/deps/build/lib maven-version: 'Maven 3.3.3' private-repository: true - shell: | #!/bin/sh -eux # Kill the sessiond killall lttng-sessiond publishers: - junit: results: lttng-ust-java-tests/**/target/failsafe-reports/*.xml - email-ext: recipients: alex@voxpopuli.im matrix-trigger: only-parent failure: false first-failure: true fixed: true - workspace-cleanup - job-template: name: lttng-ust_{version}_cppcheck defaults: lttng-ust triggers: - pollscm: cron: "@daily" builders: - shell: | rm -f lttng-ust-cppcheck.xml cppcheck --enable=all --xml --xml-version=2 $WORKSPACE 2> lttng-ust-cppcheck.xml publishers: - archive: artifacts: 'lttng-ust-cppcheck.xml' allow-empty: false - cppcheck: pattern: 'lttng-ust-cppcheck.xml' - email: recipients: 'ci-notification@lists.lttng.org' notify-every-unstable-build: true send-to-individuals: false - job-template: name: lttng-ust_{version}_scan-build defaults: lttng-ust node: 'x86-64' triggers: - pollscm: cron: "@daily" builders: - copyartifact: project: liburcu_master_build/arch=x86-64,conf=std,build=std which-build: last-successful stable: true filter: 'build/**' target: 'deps/liburcu' do-not-fingerprint: true - shell: !include-raw-escape: scripts/lttng-ust/scan-build.sh publishers: - html-publisher: name: 'HTML Report' dir: 'scan-build-archive/' files: 'index.html' - job-template: name: lttng-ust_{version}_coverity defaults: lttng-ust node: 'x86-64' triggers: - pollscm: cron: "@daily" wrappers: - workspace-cleanup - timestamps - ansicolor: colormap: xterm - credentials-binding: - username-password-separated: credential-id: lttng-ust_coverity_token username: COVERITY_SCAN_PROJECT_NAME password: COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN builders: - copyartifact: project: liburcu_master_build/arch=x86-64,conf=std,build=std which-build: last-successful stable: true filter: 'build/**' target: 'deps/liburcu' do-not-fingerprint: true - shell: !include-raw-escape: scripts/common/coverity.sh publishers: - workspace-cleanup # TODO - job-template: name: lttng-ust_{version}_pylint defaults: lttng-ust node: 'x86-64' scm: [] triggers: - pollscm: cron: "@daily" builders: - copyartifact: project: lttng-ust-{version}/arch=x86-64,build=std,conf=python-agent which-build: last-successful stable: true filter: 'build/**' target: 'deps/lttng-ust' do-not-fingerprint: true - shell: !include-raw-escape: scripts/lttng-ust/pylint.sh publishers: - archive: artifacts: 'pep8.out,pylint.out' - violations: pep8: pattern: pep8.out min: 10 max: 999 unstable: 999 pylint: pattern: pylint.out min: 10 max: 999 unstable: 999 - email: recipients: 'ci-notification@lists.lttng.org' notify-every-unstable-build: true send-to-individuals: false ## Project - project: name: lttng-ust github_user: lttng github_name: lttng-ust version: !include: jobs/inc/lttng-ust-versions.yaml.inc jobs: - 'lttng-ust_{version}_{buildtype}': buildtype: build arch: !!python/tuple [x86-32, x86-64] build: !!python/tuple [std, oot, dist] conf: !!python/tuple [std, java-agent, python-agent] - 'lttng-ust_{version}_{buildtype}': buildtype: portbuild arch: !!python/tuple [armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el] build: !!python/tuple [std] conf: !!python/tuple [std, java-agent, python-agent] - 'lttng-ust_{version}_java-tests': arch: !!python/tuple [x86-32, x86-64] - 'lttng-ust_{version}_cppcheck' - 'lttng-ust_{version}_scan-build' - 'lttng-ust_{version}_coverity': version: master