Tests: convert more left-over type hint to type comment
[lttng-tools.git] / tests / utils / lttngtest / environment.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 #
3 # Copyright (C) 2022 Jérémie Galarneau <jeremie.galarneau@efficios.com>
4 #
5 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
6 #
8 from types import FrameType
9 from typing import Callable, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, List
10 import sys
11 import pathlib
12 import signal
13 import subprocess
14 import shlex
15 import shutil
16 import os
17 import queue
18 import tempfile
19 from . import logger
20 import time
21 import threading
22 import contextlib
25 class TemporaryDirectory:
26 def __init__(self, prefix):
27 # type: (str) -> None
28 self._directory_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix)
30 def __del__(self):
31 shutil.rmtree(self._directory_path, ignore_errors=True)
33 @property
34 def path(self):
35 # type: () -> pathlib.Path
36 return pathlib.Path(self._directory_path)
39 class _SignalWaitQueue:
40 """
41 Utility class useful to wait for a signal before proceeding.
43 Simply register the `signal` method as the handler for the signal you are
44 interested in and call `wait_for_signal` to wait for its reception.
46 Registering a signal:
47 signal.signal(signal.SIGWHATEVER, queue.signal)
49 Waiting for the signal:
50 queue.wait_for_signal()
51 """
53 def __init__(self):
54 self._queue = queue.Queue() # type: queue.Queue
56 def signal(
57 self,
58 signal_number,
59 frame, # type: Optional[FrameType]
60 ):
61 self._queue.put_nowait(signal_number)
63 def wait_for_signal(self):
64 self._queue.get(block=True)
67 class WaitTraceTestApplication:
68 """
69 Create an application that waits before tracing. This allows a test to
70 launch an application, get its PID, and get it to start tracing when it
71 has completed its setup.
72 """
74 def __init__(
75 self,
76 binary_path, # type: pathlib.Path
77 event_count, # type: int
78 environment, # type: Environment
79 wait_time_between_events_us=0, # type: int
80 ):
81 self._environment = environment # type: Environment
82 if event_count % 5:
83 # The test application currently produces 5 different events per iteration.
84 raise ValueError("event count must be a multiple of 5")
85 self._iteration_count = int(event_count / 5) # type: int
86 # File that the application will wait to see before tracing its events.
87 self._app_start_tracing_file_path = pathlib.Path(
88 tempfile.mktemp(
89 prefix="app_",
90 suffix="_start_tracing",
91 dir=self._compat_open_path(environment.lttng_home_location),
92 )
93 )
94 self._has_returned = False
96 test_app_env = os.environ.copy()
97 test_app_env["LTTNG_HOME"] = str(environment.lttng_home_location)
98 # Make sure the app is blocked until it is properly registered to
99 # the session daemon.
100 test_app_env["LTTNG_UST_REGISTER_TIMEOUT"] = "-1"
102 # File that the application will create to indicate it has completed its initialization.
103 app_ready_file_path = tempfile.mktemp(
104 prefix="app_",
105 suffix="_ready",
106 dir=self._compat_open_path(environment.lttng_home_location),
107 ) # type: str
109 test_app_args = [str(binary_path)]
110 test_app_args.extend(
111 shlex.split(
112 "--iter {iteration_count} --create-in-main {app_ready_file_path} --wait-before-first-event {app_start_tracing_file_path} --wait {wait_time_between_events_us}".format(
113 iteration_count=self._iteration_count,
114 app_ready_file_path=app_ready_file_path,
115 app_start_tracing_file_path=self._app_start_tracing_file_path,
116 wait_time_between_events_us=wait_time_between_events_us,
117 )
118 )
119 )
121 self._process = subprocess.Popen(
122 test_app_args,
123 env=test_app_env,
124 ) # type: subprocess.Popen
126 # Wait for the application to create the file indicating it has fully
127 # initialized. Make sure the app hasn't crashed in order to not wait
128 # forever.
129 while True:
130 if os.path.exists(app_ready_file_path):
131 break
133 if self._process.poll() is not None:
134 # Application has unexepectedly returned.
135 raise RuntimeError(
136 "Test application has unexepectedly returned during its initialization with return code `{return_code}`".format(
137 return_code=self._process.returncode
138 )
139 )
141 time.sleep(0.1)
143 def trace(self):
144 # type: () -> None
145 if self._process.poll() is not None:
146 # Application has unexepectedly returned.
147 raise RuntimeError(
148 "Test application has unexepectedly before tracing with return code `{return_code}`".format(
149 return_code=self._process.returncode
150 )
151 )
152 open(self._compat_open_path(self._app_start_tracing_file_path), mode="x")
154 def wait_for_exit(self):
155 # type: () -> None
156 if self._process.wait() != 0:
157 raise RuntimeError(
158 "Test application has exit with return code `{return_code}`".format(
159 return_code=self._process.returncode
160 )
161 )
162 self._has_returned = True
164 @property
165 def vpid(self):
166 # type: () -> int
167 return self._process.pid
169 @staticmethod
170 def _compat_open_path(path):
171 # type: (pathlib.Path) -> pathlib.Path | str
172 """
173 The builtin open() in python >= 3.6 expects a path-like object while
174 prior versions expect a string or bytes object. Return the correct type
175 based on the presence of the "__fspath__" attribute specified in PEP-519.
176 """
177 if hasattr(path, "__fspath__"):
178 return path
179 else:
180 return str(path)
182 def __del__(self):
183 if not self._has_returned:
184 # This is potentially racy if the pid has been recycled. However,
185 # we can't use pidfd_open since it is only available in python >= 3.9.
186 self._process.kill()
187 self._process.wait()
190 class TraceTestApplication:
191 """
192 Create an application to trace.
193 """
195 def __init__(self, binary_path, environment):
196 # type: (pathlib.Path, Environment)
197 self._environment = environment # type: Environment
198 self._has_returned = False
200 test_app_env = os.environ.copy()
201 test_app_env["LTTNG_HOME"] = str(environment.lttng_home_location)
202 # Make sure the app is blocked until it is properly registered to
203 # the session daemon.
204 test_app_env["LTTNG_UST_REGISTER_TIMEOUT"] = "-1"
206 test_app_args = [str(binary_path)]
208 self._process: subprocess.Popen = subprocess.Popen(
209 test_app_args, env=test_app_env
210 )
212 def wait_for_exit(self):
213 # type: () -> None
214 if self._process.wait() != 0:
215 raise RuntimeError(
216 "Test application has exit with return code `{return_code}`".format(
217 return_code=self._process.returncode
218 )
219 )
220 self._has_returned = True
222 def __del__(self):
223 if not self._has_returned:
224 # This is potentially racy if the pid has been recycled. However,
225 # we can't use pidfd_open since it is only available in python >= 3.9.
226 self._process.kill()
227 self._process.wait()
230 class ProcessOutputConsumer(threading.Thread, logger._Logger):
231 def __init__(
232 self,
233 process, # type: subprocess.Popen
234 name, # type: str
235 log, # type: Callable[[str], None]
236 ):
237 threading.Thread.__init__(self)
238 self._prefix = name
239 logger._Logger.__init__(self, log)
240 self._process = process
242 def run(self):
243 # type: () -> None
244 while self._process.poll() is None:
245 assert self._process.stdout
246 line = self._process.stdout.readline().decode("utf-8").replace("\n", "")
247 if len(line) != 0:
248 self._log("{prefix}: {line}".format(prefix=self._prefix, line=line))
251 # Generate a temporary environment in which to execute a test.
252 class _Environment(logger._Logger):
253 def __init__(
254 self,
255 with_sessiond, # type: bool
256 log=None, # type: Optional[Callable[[str], None]]
257 ):
258 super().__init__(log)
259 signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._handle_termination_signal)
260 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._handle_termination_signal)
262 # Assumes the project's hierarchy to this file is:
263 # tests/utils/python/this_file
264 self._project_root = (
265 pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parents[3]
266 ) # type: pathlib.Path
267 self._lttng_home = TemporaryDirectory(
268 "lttng_test_env_home"
269 ) # type: Optional[TemporaryDirectory]
271 self._sessiond = (
272 self._launch_lttng_sessiond() if with_sessiond else None
273 ) # type: Optional[subprocess.Popen[bytes]]
275 @property
276 def lttng_home_location(self):
277 # type: () -> pathlib.Path
278 if self._lttng_home is None:
279 raise RuntimeError("Attempt to access LTTng home after clean-up")
280 return self._lttng_home.path
282 @property
283 def lttng_client_path(self):
284 # type: () -> pathlib.Path
285 return self._project_root / "src" / "bin" / "lttng" / "lttng"
287 def create_temporary_directory(self, prefix=None):
288 # type: (Optional[str]) -> pathlib.Path
289 # Simply return a path that is contained within LTTNG_HOME; it will
290 # be destroyed when the temporary home goes out of scope.
291 assert self._lttng_home
292 return pathlib.Path(
293 tempfile.mkdtemp(
294 prefix="tmp" if prefix is None else prefix,
295 dir=str(self._lttng_home.path),
296 )
297 )
299 # Unpack a list of environment variables from a string
300 # such as "HELLO=is_it ME='/you/are/looking/for'"
301 @staticmethod
302 def _unpack_env_vars(env_vars_string):
303 # type: (str) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]
304 unpacked_vars = []
305 for var in shlex.split(env_vars_string):
306 equal_position = var.find("=")
307 # Must have an equal sign and not end with an equal sign
308 if equal_position == -1 or equal_position == len(var) - 1:
309 raise ValueError(
310 "Invalid sessiond environment variable: `{}`".format(var)
311 )
313 var_name = var[0:equal_position]
314 var_value = var[equal_position + 1 :]
315 # Unquote any paths
316 var_value = var_value.replace("'", "")
317 var_value = var_value.replace('"', "")
318 unpacked_vars.append((var_name, var_value))
320 return unpacked_vars
322 def _launch_lttng_sessiond(self):
323 # type: () -> Optional[subprocess.Popen]
324 is_64bits_host = sys.maxsize > 2**32
326 sessiond_path = (
327 self._project_root / "src" / "bin" / "lttng-sessiond" / "lttng-sessiond"
328 )
329 consumerd_path_option_name = "--consumerd{bitness}-path".format(
330 bitness="64" if is_64bits_host else "32"
331 )
332 consumerd_path = (
333 self._project_root / "src" / "bin" / "lttng-consumerd" / "lttng-consumerd"
334 )
336 no_sessiond_var = os.environ.get("TEST_NO_SESSIOND")
337 if no_sessiond_var and no_sessiond_var == "1":
338 # Run test without a session daemon; the user probably
339 # intends to run one under gdb for example.
340 return None
342 # Setup the session daemon's environment
343 sessiond_env_vars = os.environ.get("LTTNG_SESSIOND_ENV_VARS")
344 sessiond_env = os.environ.copy()
345 if sessiond_env_vars:
346 self._log("Additional lttng-sessiond environment variables:")
347 additional_vars = self._unpack_env_vars(sessiond_env_vars)
348 for var_name, var_value in additional_vars:
349 self._log(" {name}={value}".format(name=var_name, value=var_value))
350 sessiond_env[var_name] = var_value
352 sessiond_env["LTTNG_SESSION_CONFIG_XSD_PATH"] = str(
353 self._project_root / "src" / "common"
354 )
356 assert self._lttng_home is not None
357 sessiond_env["LTTNG_HOME"] = str(self._lttng_home.path)
359 wait_queue = _SignalWaitQueue()
360 signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, wait_queue.signal)
362 self._log(
363 "Launching session daemon with LTTNG_HOME=`{home_dir}`".format(
364 home_dir=str(self._lttng_home.path)
365 )
366 )
367 process = subprocess.Popen(
368 [
369 str(sessiond_path),
370 consumerd_path_option_name,
371 str(consumerd_path),
372 "--sig-parent",
373 ],
374 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
375 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
376 env=sessiond_env,
377 )
379 if self._logging_function:
380 self._sessiond_output_consumer = ProcessOutputConsumer(
381 process, "lttng-sessiond", self._logging_function
382 ) # type: Optional[ProcessOutputConsumer]
383 self._sessiond_output_consumer.daemon = True
384 self._sessiond_output_consumer.start()
386 # Wait for SIGUSR1, indicating the sessiond is ready to proceed
387 wait_queue.wait_for_signal()
388 signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, wait_queue.signal)
390 return process
392 def _handle_termination_signal(self, signal_number, frame):
393 # type: (int, Optional[FrameType]) -> None
394 self._log(
395 "Killed by {signal_name} signal, cleaning-up".format(
396 signal_name=signal.strsignal(signal_number)
397 )
398 )
399 self._cleanup()
401 def launch_wait_trace_test_application(self, event_count):
402 # type: (int) -> WaitTraceTestApplication
403 """
404 Launch an application that will wait before tracing `event_count` events.
405 """
406 return WaitTraceTestApplication(
407 self._project_root
408 / "tests"
409 / "utils"
410 / "testapp"
411 / "gen-ust-nevents"
412 / "gen-ust-nevents",
413 event_count,
414 self,
415 )
417 def launch_trace_test_constructor_application(self):
418 # type () -> TraceTestApplication
419 """
420 Launch an application that will trace from within constructors.
421 """
422 return TraceTestApplication(
423 self._project_root
424 / "tests"
425 / "utils"
426 / "testapp"
427 / "gen-ust-events-constructor"
428 / "gen-ust-events-constructor",
429 self,
430 )
432 # Clean-up managed processes
433 def _cleanup(self):
434 # type: () -> None
435 if self._sessiond and self._sessiond.poll() is None:
436 # The session daemon is alive; kill it.
437 self._log(
438 "Killing session daemon (pid = {sessiond_pid})".format(
439 sessiond_pid=self._sessiond.pid
440 )
441 )
443 self._sessiond.terminate()
444 self._sessiond.wait()
445 if self._sessiond_output_consumer:
446 self._sessiond_output_consumer.join()
447 self._sessiond_output_consumer = None
449 self._log("Session daemon killed")
450 self._sessiond = None
452 self._lttng_home = None
454 def __del__(self):
455 self._cleanup()
458 @contextlib.contextmanager
459 def test_environment(with_sessiond, log=None):
460 # type: (bool, Optional[Callable[[str], None]]) -> Iterator[_Environment]
461 env = _Environment(with_sessiond, log)
462 try:
463 yield env
464 finally:
465 env._cleanup()
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