#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (C) - 2013 David Goulet # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 only, as published by # the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 # Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. TEST_DESC="Java JUL support" CURDIR=$(dirname $0)/ TESTDIR=$CURDIR/../../.. NR_ITER=6 NR_MSEC_WAIT=1000 TESTAPP_NAME="JTestLTTng" TESTAPP_BIN="$TESTAPP_NAME.java" TESTAPP_PATH="$CURDIR/$TESTAPP_NAME" SESSION_NAME="jul" EVENT_NAME="JTestLTTng" EVENT_NAME2="JTestLTTng2" JAVA_CP="$CURDIR:/usr/local/share/java/liblttng-ust-agent.jar:/usr/share/java/liblttng-ust-agent.jar" NUM_TESTS=155 source $TESTDIR/utils/utils.sh function run_app { local finest_tp=$1 local fire_second_tp=$2 #FIXME: app should have synchro. java -cp $JAVA_CP -Djava.library.path="/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib" $TESTAPP_NAME $NR_ITER $NR_MSEC_WAIT $finest_tp $fire_second_tp >/dev/null 2>&1 } function run_app_background { run_app $@ & } function enable_jul_loglevel_only() { sess_name=$1 event_name="$2" loglevel=$3 channel_name=$4 if [ -z $channel_name ]; then # default channel if none specified chan="" else chan="-c $channel_name" fi $TESTDIR/../src/bin/lttng/$LTTNG_BIN enable-event --loglevel-only $loglevel "$event_name" $chan -s $sess_name -j >/dev/null 2>&1 ok $? "Enable JUL event $event_name for session $sess_name with loglevel-only $loglevel" } function enable_jul_filter() { local sess_name="$1" local event_name="$2" local filter="$3" $TESTDIR/../src/bin/lttng/$LTTNG_BIN enable-event "$event_name" -s $sess_name -j --filter "$filter" >/dev/null 2>&1 ok $? "Enable event $event_name with filter $filter for session $sess_name" } function enable_jul_filter_loglevel_only() { local sess_name="$1" local event_name="$2" local filter="$3" local loglevel="$4" $TESTDIR/../src/bin/lttng/$LTTNG_BIN enable-event --loglevel-only $loglevel "$event_name" -s $sess_name -j --filter "$filter" >/dev/null 2>&1 ok $? "Enable event $event_name with filter \"$filter\" and loglevel-only $loglevel for session $sess_name" } # MUST set TESTDIR before calling those functions function test_jul_before_start () { local file_sync_after_first=$(mktemp -u) local file_sync_before_last=$(mktemp -u) diag "Test JUL application BEFORE tracing starts" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay run_app_background start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME touch ${file_sync_before_last} # Wait for the applications started in background wait stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME rm -f ${file_sync_after_first} rm -f ${file_sync_before_last} # Validate test. Expecting all events. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME $NR_ITER $TRACE_PATH if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi } function test_jul_after_start () { diag "Test JUL application AFTER tracing starts" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay run_app stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting all events. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME $NR_ITER $TRACE_PATH if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi } function test_jul_loglevel () { diag "Test JUL application with loglevel" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH enable_jul_lttng_event_loglevel $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME "JUL_INFO" start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay run_app stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting all events. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME $NR_ITER $TRACE_PATH if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi diag "Test JUL applications with lower loglevel" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH enable_jul_lttng_event_loglevel $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME "JUL_SEVERE" start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay run_app stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting 0 events. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME 0 $TRACE_PATH if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi diag "Test JUL applications with higher loglevel" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH enable_jul_lttng_event_loglevel $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME "JUL_FINER" start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay run_app stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting all events. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME $NR_ITER $TRACE_PATH return $? } function test_jul_loglevel_multiple () { diag "Test JUL application with multiple loglevel" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH enable_jul_lttng_event_loglevel $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME "JUL_INFO" enable_jul_lttng_event_loglevel $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME "JUL_FINEST" start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay and fire two TP. run_app 1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting all events times two. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME $(($NR_ITER * 2)) $TRACE_PATH if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH enable_jul_lttng_event_loglevel $SESSION_NAME '*' "JUL_INFO" enable_jul_lttng_event_loglevel $SESSION_NAME '*' "JUL_FINEST" start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay and fire two TP. run_app 1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting all events times two. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME $(($NR_ITER * 2)) $TRACE_PATH if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi } function test_jul_multi_session_loglevel() { diag "Test JUL with multiple session" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-1 enable_jul_loglevel_only $SESSION_NAME-1 '*' "JUL_INFO" start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-2 enable_jul_loglevel_only $SESSION_NAME-2 '*' "JUL_FINEST" start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay and fire second TP. run_app 1 1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 # Expecting 6 events being the main event plus the second tp. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME $(($NR_ITER + 1)) $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi # Expectin 5 events being the finest TP. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME $NR_ITER $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-2 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi } function test_jul_multi_session_disable() { diag "Test JUL with multiple session with disabled event" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-1 enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME-1 $EVENT_NAME enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME-1 $EVENT_NAME2 disable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME-1 $EVENT_NAME start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-2 enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME-2 $EVENT_NAME2 start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay and fire second TP. run_app 0 1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 # Validate test. Expecting one event of the second TP. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME2 1 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi # Validate test. Expecting one event of the second TP. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME2 1 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-2 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi } function test_jul_multi_session_disable_wildcard() { diag "Test JUL with multiple session with disabled wildcard event" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-1 enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME-1 '*' create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-2 enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME-2 '*' disable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME-1 '*' start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 run_app stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 # Validate test. Expecting NO event of the first TP. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME 0 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi # Validate test. Expecting all events of the first TP. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME $NR_ITER $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-2 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi } function test_jul_disable_all() { diag "Test JUL with multiple session with disabled all event" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME '*' enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME2 disable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME '*' start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME run_app 0 1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting NO event of the first TP and second TP. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME 0 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME2 0 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi } function test_jul_multi_session() { diag "Test JUL with multiple session" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-1 enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME-1 $EVENT_NAME start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-2 enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME-2 $EVENT_NAME2 start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay and fire second TP. run_app 0 1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-1 destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME-2 # Validate test. Expecting all events of first TP trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME $NR_ITER $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi # Validate test. Expecting one event of the second TP. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME2 1 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME-2 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi } function test_jul_destroy_session() { diag "Test JUL two session with destroy" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH/first-sess enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay run_app_background 0 1 # Wait for the applications started in background wait stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting at least one event num 1 validate_trace $EVENT_NAME $TRACE_PATH/first-sess if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH/second-sess enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME2 start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay run_app_background 0 1 # Wait for the applications started in background wait stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting only one event num 2 trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME2 1 $TRACE_PATH/second-sess if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi } function test_jul_filtering() { diag "Test JUL filtering" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME # Enable all event with a filter. enable_jul_filter $SESSION_NAME '*' 'msg == "JUL second logger fired"' start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay and fire second TP. run_app 0 1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting one event of the second TP only. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME2 1 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME # Enable first Logger but filter msg payload for the INFO one while # triggering the finest and second TP. enable_jul_filter $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME 'msg == "JUL tp fired!"' start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay, fire finest and second TP. run_app 1 1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting NR_ITER event of the main INFO tp. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME $NR_ITER $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi } function test_jul_disable() { diag "Test JUL disable event" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME # Enable all event with a filter. enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME2 disable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay and fire second TP. run_app 0 1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting one event of the second TP only. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME2 1 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi } function test_jul_disable_enable() { diag "Test JUL disable event followed by an enable" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME # Enable all event with a filter. enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME disable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME enable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME $EVENT_NAME start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay and fire second TP. run_app 0 1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting NR_ITER event of the main INFO tp. trace_match_only $EVENT_NAME $NR_ITER $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi } function test_jul_filter_loglevel() { local BOGUS_EVENT_NAME="not_a_real_event" local FILTER="int_loglevel > 700 || int_loglevel < 700" local ALL_EVENTS="." diag "Test JUL a filter with a loglevel" create_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME # Enable an event with a filter and the loglevel-only option. enable_jul_filter_loglevel_only $SESSION_NAME $BOGUS_EVENT_NAME "$FILTER" JUL_CONFIG disable_jul_lttng_event $SESSION_NAME $BOGUS_EVENT_NAME enable_jul_filter_loglevel_only $SESSION_NAME $BOGUS_EVENT_NAME "$FILTER" JUL_CONFIG start_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME # Run 5 times with a 1 second delay and fire second TP. run_app 0 1 stop_lttng_tracing_ok $SESSION_NAME destroy_lttng_session_ok $SESSION_NAME # Validate test. Expecting no events. trace_match_only $ALL_EVENTS 0 $TRACE_PATH/$SESSION_NAME if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return $? fi } plan_tests $NUM_TESTS print_test_banner "$TEST_DESC" if [ ! -f "$TESTAPP_PATH.class" ]; then withapp=0 else withapp=1 fi skip $withapp "JUL support is needed. Skipping all tests." $NUM_TESTS || { start_lttng_sessiond tests=( test_jul_multi_session_disable_wildcard test_jul_multi_session_disable test_jul_disable test_jul_disable_enable test_jul_disable_all test_jul_filtering test_jul_multi_session_loglevel test_jul_destroy_session test_jul_loglevel test_jul_loglevel_multiple test_jul_before_start test_jul_after_start test_jul_multi_session test_jul_filter_loglevel ) for fct_test in ${tests[@]}; do TRACE_PATH=$(mktemp -d) ${fct_test} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then break; fi rm -rf $TRACE_PATH done stop_lttng_sessiond }