LTTng Live trace reading protocol Julien Desfossez February 6th, 2014 This document describes the protocol of live trace reading. It is mainly intended for trace-viewer developers. Live trace reading allows a viewer to read safely a LTTng trace while it is being recorded. The protocol ensures that the viewer is never in a position where it can read for which it does not have the metadata, and also allows to viewer to know about inactive streams and skip those up to a certain point in time. This feature is implemented starting at lttng-tools 2.4 * General informations All the data structures required to implement this protocole are provided in the lttng-viewer-abi.h header. All integer are encoded in big endian during the transfer. Just like the streaming protocol, this protocol works always in only one direction : from the viewer to the relay. After each command, the relay sends a reply to the viewer (or closes the connection on fatal error). When the viewer sends a command to the relay, it sends a struct lttng_viewer_cmd which contains the command (enum lttcomm_relayd_command) and the size of the actual command if the command requires a payload. For example, if the viewer wants to list the sessions, it sends a struct lttng_viewer_cmd with : cmd = htobe32(VIEWER_CONNECT); data_size = htobe64(sizeof(struct lttng_viewer_connect)); The cmd_version is currently unused, but might get useful when we extend the protocol later. * Protocol sequence In this section, we describe the normal sequence of event during a live-reading session. The viewer is abbreviated V and the relay R for conciseness. Establishing a connection : - V connects to R on port TCP/5344 - V establishes a session by sending a VIEWER_CONNECT command, payload in struct lttng_viewer_connect. In this struct, it sets its major and minor version of the protocol it implements, and the type of connection it wants, for now only VIEWER_CLIENT_COMMAND is supported. - If the protocol implemented by V and R are compatible, R sends back the same struct with its own version and the newly assigned viewer_session_id. Protocols are compatible if they have the same major number. At this point, if the communication continues and the minor are not the same, it is implied that the two processes will use the min(minor) of the protocol during this connection. Protocol versions follow lttng-tools version, so if R implements the 2.5 protocol and V implements the 2.4 protocol, R will use the 2.4 protocol for this connection. List the sessions : Once V and R agree on a protocol, V can start interacting with R. The first thing to do is list the sessions currently active on R. - V sends the command VIEWER_LIST_SESSIONS with no payload (data_size ignored) - R sends back a struct lttng_viewer_list_sessions which contains the number of sessions to receive, and then for each session (sessions_count), it sends a struct lttng_viewer_session - V must first receive the struct lttng_viewer_list_sessions and then receive all the lttng_viewer_session structs. The live_timer corresponds to the value set by the user who created the tracing session, if it is 0, the session cannot be read in live. This timer in microseconds is the minimum rate at which R receives information about the running session. The "clients" field contains the number of connected clients to this session, for now only one client at a time can attach to session. Attach to a session : Now V can select and attach one or multiple session IDs, but first, it needs to create a viewer_session. Creating a viewer session is done by sending the command LTTNG_VIEWER_CREATE_SESSION. In the future, this would be the place where we could specify options global to the viewer session. Once the session is created, the viewer can issue one or multiple VIEWER_ATTACH_SESSION commands with the session_id it wants. The "seek" parameter allows the viewer to attach to a session from its beginning (it will receive all trace data still on the relayd) or from now (data will be available to read starting at the next packet received on the relay). The viewer can issue this command multiple times and at any moment in the process. R replies with a struct lttng_viewer_attach_session_response with a status and the number of streams currently active in this session. Then, for each stream, it sends a struct lttng_viewer_stream. Just like with the session list, V must receive the first header and then all the stream structs. The ctf_trace_id parameter in the struct lttng_viewer_stream is particularly important since it allows the viewer to match all the streams belonging to the same CTF trace (so one metadata file and multiple stream files). If the stream is a metadata stream, metadata_flag will be set to 1. The relay ensures that it sends only ready ctf traces, so once this command is complete, V knows that it has all the streams ready to be processed. A quick note about the "sessions": from the relay perspective we see one session for each domain (kernel, ust32, ust64) of a session as created on the sessiond. For example, if the user creates a session and adds events in the kernel and UST and has only 64-bit applications running, the relay sees two sessions with the same name and hostname. So in order to display a session as seen by the user, the viewer has to attach to all the sessions with the same hostname and session name. There might be clashes if two servers on the network have the same hostname and create the same session name, but the relay cannot distinguish these cases, so it is currently a known limitation. During a session, new streams might get added (especially in per-pid tracing) so the viewer must be ready to add new streams while processing the trace. To inform V that new streams are available, R sets the LTTNG_VIEWER_FLAG_NEW_STREAM flag on LTTNG_VIEWER_GET_NEXT_INDEX and LTTNG_VIEWER_GET_PACKET replies. The viewer must then issue the LTTNG_VIEWER_GET_NEW_STREAMS command and receive all the streams, just like with the attach command. #### below needs to be well written, but the essential is here ### Get metadata : A CTF trace cannot be read without the complete metadata. Send the command VIEWER_GET_METADATA and the struct lttng_viewer_get_metadata. Once we have all the metadata, we can start processing the trace. In order to do that, we work with the indexes. Whenever we need to read a new packet from a stream, we first ask for the next index for this stream and then ask for a trace packet at a certain offset and length. Get the next index : Command VIEWER_GET_NEXT_INDEX struct lttng_viewer_get_next_index Receive back a struct lttng_viewer_index We might also receive flags : - LTTNG_VIEWER_FLAG_NEW_METADATA the viewer must ask new metadata (LTTNG_VIEWER_GET_METADATA) - LTTNG_VIEWER_FLAG_NEW_STREAM the viewer must get the new streams (LTTNG_VIEWER_GET_NEW_STREAMS) Get data packet : Command VIEWER_GET_PACKET struct lttng_viewer_get_packet Receive back a struct lttng_viewer_trace_packet We might also receive a LTTNG_VIEWER_GET_PACKET_ERR and some flags : - LTTNG_VIEWER_FLAG_NEW_METADATA the viewer must ask new metadata (LTTNG_VIEWER_GET_METADATA) - LTTNG_VIEWER_FLAG_NEW_STREAM the viewer must get the new streams (LTTNG_VIEWER_GET_NEW_STREAMS) For the VIEWER_GET_NEXT_INDEX and VIEWER_GET_PACKET, the viewer must check the "flags" element of the struct it receives, because it contains important information such as the information that new metadata must be received before being able to receive and read the next packet. When new metadata is added during a session, the GET_NEXT_INDEX will succeed but it will have the flag LTTNG_VIEWER_FLAG_NEW_METADATA, but the GET_DATA_PACKET will fail with the same flag as long as the metadata is not downloaded.