/* Peterson's algorithm for N processes - see Lynch's book, p. 284 */ #ifndef N #define N 3 /* nr of processes */ #endif byte turn[N], flag[N]; byte ncrit; /* auxiliary var to check mutual exclusion */ active [N] proctype user() { byte j, k; /* without never claims, _pid's are: 0 .. N-1 */ again: k = 0; /* count max N-1 rounds of competition */ do :: k < N-1 -> flag[_pid] = k; turn[k] = _pid; j = 0; /* for all j != _pid */ do :: j == _pid -> j++ :: j != _pid -> if :: j < N -> (flag[j] < k || turn[k] != _pid); j++ :: j >= N -> break fi od; k++ :: else -> /* survived all N-1 rounds */ break od; ncrit++; assert(ncrit == 1); /* critical section */ ncrit--; flag[_pid] = 0; goto again }