2.4. Conversion from LTT to LTTV trace format

If you used the default directory for installation, you should find the conversion tool in /usr/local/bin/convert. Before using it, some other files are necessary. You will find them in /usr/local/share/LinuxTraceToolkitViewer/convert/. Those are sysInfo and core.xml.

sysInfo is a script that get informations about the traced computer. It should be invoked like this :

$ sh /usr/local/LinuxTraceToolkitViewer/convert/sysInfo

It created a file named sysInfo.out. This file has to be present in the current directory where the convert tool will be executed. I suggest that you choose a destination directory for converted traces right now, put sysInfo.out in it, at use it as current directory for running the convert tool.

Once the sysInfo.out file is ready and you have a trace ready for conversion, you should invoke convert like the following example. This is for a uniprocessor computer. If you whish to get detailed explanation on the parameters, simply execute the convert tool without any. You may also wish to see the /usr/local/LinuxTraceToolkitViewer/convert/README file.

$ /usr/local/bin/convert sample.proc 1 sample.trace sample.converted

You must then copy the core event definition file to the converted trace directory :

$ cp /usr/local/share/LinuxTraceToolkitViewer/convert/core.xml sample.converted/

You now have a converted trace ready for visualization in LTTV. Congratulations!