#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2012 Yannick Brosseau # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; only version 2 # of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. from __future__ import print_function import sys import getopt import re import os import subprocess class Usage(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg class HeaderFile: HEADER_TPL = """ #undef TRACEPOINT_PROVIDER #define TRACEPOINT_PROVIDER {providerName} #undef TRACEPOINT_INCLUDE #define TRACEPOINT_INCLUDE "./{headerFilename}" #if !defined({includeGuard}) || defined(TRACEPOINT_HEADER_MULTI_READ) #define {includeGuard} #include """ FOOTER_TPL = """ #endif /* {includeGuard} */ #include """ def __init__(self, filename, template): self.outputFilename = filename self.template = template def write(self): outputFile = open(self.outputFilename, "w") # Include guard macro will be created by uppercasing the filename and # replacing all non alphanumeric characters with '_' includeGuard = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]', '_', self.outputFilename.upper()) outputFile.write(HeaderFile.HEADER_TPL.format(providerName=self.template.domain, includeGuard=includeGuard, headerFilename=self.outputFilename)) outputFile.write(self.template.text) outputFile.write(HeaderFile.FOOTER_TPL.format(includeGuard=includeGuard)) outputFile.close() class CFile: FILE_TPL = """ #define TRACEPOINT_CREATE_PROBES /* * The header containing our TRACEPOINT_EVENTs. */ #define TRACEPOINT_DEFINE #include "{headerFilename}" """ def __init__(self, filename, template): self.outputFilename = filename self.template = template def write(self): outputFile = open(self.outputFilename, "w") headerFilename = self.outputFilename if headerFilename.endswith(".c"): headerFilename = headerFilename[:-2] + ".h" outputFile.write(CFile.FILE_TPL.format( headerFilename=headerFilename)) outputFile.close() class ObjFile: def __init__(self, filename, template): self.outputFilename = filename self.template = template def _detectCC(self): cc = "" if 'CC' in os.environ: cc = os.environ['CC'] try: subprocess.call(cc.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError as msg: print("Invalid CC environment variable") cc = "" else: # Try c first, if that fails try gcc try: useCC = True subprocess.call("cc", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError as msg: useCC = False if useCC: cc = "cc" else: try: useGCC = True subprocess.call("gcc", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError as msg: useGCC = False if useGCC: cc = "gcc" return cc def write(self): cFilename = self.outputFilename if cFilename.endswith(".o"): cFilename = cFilename[:-2] + ".c" cc = self._detectCC() if cc == "": raise RuntimeError("No C Compiler detected") if 'CPPFLAGS' in os.environ: cppflags = " " + os.environ['CPPFLAGS'] else: cppflags = "" if 'CFLAGS' in os.environ: cflags = " " + os.environ['CFLAGS'] else: cflags = "" if 'LDFLAGS' in os.environ: ldflags = " " + os.environ['LDFLAGS'] else: ldflags = "" command = cc + " -c" + cppflags + cflags + ldflags + " -I. -llttng-ust" + " -o " + self.outputFilename + " " + cFilename if verbose: print("Compile command: " + command) subprocess.call(command.split()) class TemplateFile: def __init__(self, filename): self.domain = "" self.inputFilename = filename self.parseTemplate() def parseTemplate(self): f = open(self.inputFilename, "r") self.text = f.read() # Remove # comments (from input and output file) but keep # #include in the output file removeComments = re.compile("#[^include].*$", flags=re.MULTILINE) self.text = removeComments.sub("", self.text) # Remove #include directive from the parsed text removePreprocess = re.compile("#.*$", flags=re.MULTILINE) noPreprocess = removePreprocess.sub("", self.text) # Remove // comments removeLineComment = re.compile("\/\/.*$", flags=re.MULTILINE) nolinecomment = removeLineComment.sub("", noPreprocess) # Remove all spaces and lines cleantext = re.sub("\s*", "", nolinecomment) # Remove multine C style comments nocomment = re.sub("/\*.*?\*/", "", cleantext) entries = re.split("TRACEPOINT_.*?", nocomment) for entry in entries: if entry != '': decomp = re.findall("(\w*?)\((\w*?),(\w*?),", entry) typea = decomp[0][0] domain = decomp[0][1] name = decomp[0][2] if self.domain == "": self.domain = domain else: if self.domain != domain: print("Warning: different domain provided (%s,%s)" % (self.domain, domain)) verbose = False usage = """ lttng-gen-tp - Generate the LTTng-UST header and source based on a simple template usage: lttng-gen-tp TEMPLATE_FILE [-o OUTPUT_FILE][-o OUTPUT_FILE] If no OUTPUT_FILE is given, the .h and .c file will be generated. (The basename of the template file with be used for the generated file. for example sample.tp will generate sample.h, sample.c and sample.o) When using the -o option, the OUTPUT_FILE must end with either .h, .c or .o The -o option can be repeated multiple times. The template file must contains TRACEPOINT_EVENT and TRACEPOINT_LOGLEVEL as per defined in the lttng/tracepoint.h file. See the lttng-ust(3) man page for more details on the format. """ def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv try: try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv[1:], "ho:av", ["help", "verbose"]) except getopt.error as msg: raise Usage(msg) except Usage as err: print(err.msg, file=sys.stderr) print("for help use --help", file=sys.stderr) return 2 outputNames = [] for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): print(usage) return(0) if o in ("-o", ""): outputNames.append(a) if o in ("-a", ""): all = True if o in ("-v", "--verbose"): global verbose verbose = True try: if len(args) == 0: raise Usage("No template file given") except Usage as err: print(err.msg, file=sys.stderr) print("for help use --help", file=sys.stderr) return 2 doCFile = None doHeader = None doObj = None headerFilename = None cFilename = None objFilename = None if len(outputNames) > 0: if len(args) > 1: print("Cannot process more than one input if you specify an output") return(3) for outputName in outputNames: if outputName[-2:] == ".h": doHeader = True headerFilename = outputName elif outputName[-2:] == ".c": doCFile = True cFilename = outputName elif outputName[-2:] == ".o": doObj = True objFilename = outputName else: print("output file type unsupported") return(4) else: doHeader = True doCFile = True doObj = True # process arguments for arg in args: if arg[-3:] != ".tp": print(arg + " does not end in .tp. Skipping.") continue tpl = None try: tpl = TemplateFile(arg) except IOError as args: print("Cannot read input file " + args.filename + " " + args.strerror) return -1 try: if doHeader: if headerFilename: curFilename = headerFilename else: curFilename = re.sub("\.tp$", ".h", arg) doth = HeaderFile(curFilename, tpl) doth.write() if doCFile: if cFilename: curFilename = cFilename else: curFilename = re.sub("\.tp$", ".c", arg) dotc = CFile(curFilename, tpl) dotc.write() if doObj: if objFilename: curFilename = objFilename else: curFilename = re.sub("\.tp$", ".o", arg) dotobj = ObjFile(curFilename, tpl) dotobj.write() except IOError as args: print("Cannot write output file " + args.filename + " " + args.strerror) return -1 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())