From 1fde1b394a45cd54728933269240f9b19ef91713 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: pmf Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 18:04:58 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] add 3rd gen viewer architecture document This is work in progress and does not apply to the current LTTV or LTTng versions. git-svn-id: 04897980-b3bd-0310-b5e0-8ef037075253 --- .../3rd_gen_viewer/3rd_gen_viewer_arch.lyx | 828 ++++++++++++++++++ trunk/masters-pmf/README | 2 + 2 files changed, 830 insertions(+) create mode 100644 trunk/masters-pmf/3rd_gen_viewer/3rd_gen_viewer_arch.lyx create mode 100644 trunk/masters-pmf/README diff --git a/trunk/masters-pmf/3rd_gen_viewer/3rd_gen_viewer_arch.lyx b/trunk/masters-pmf/3rd_gen_viewer/3rd_gen_viewer_arch.lyx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4bc2ab77 --- /dev/null +++ b/trunk/masters-pmf/3rd_gen_viewer/3rd_gen_viewer_arch.lyx @@ -0,0 +1,828 @@ +#LyX 1.5.5 created this file. For more info see +\lyxformat 276 +\begin_document +\begin_header +\textclass article +\language english +\inputencoding auto +\font_roman default +\font_sans default +\font_typewriter default +\font_default_family default +\font_sc false +\font_osf false +\font_sf_scale 100 +\font_tt_scale 100 +\graphics default +\paperfontsize default +\spacing single +\papersize default +\use_geometry false +\use_amsmath 1 +\use_esint 1 +\cite_engine basic +\use_bibtopic false +\paperorientation portrait +\secnumdepth 3 +\tocdepth 3 +\paragraph_separation skip +\defskip medskip +\quotes_language english +\papercolumns 1 +\papersides 1 +\paperpagestyle default +\tracking_changes false +\output_changes false +\author "" +\author "" +\end_header + +\begin_body + +\begin_layout Title +A Set of APIs for a Third-Generation Trace Viewer +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Author +\noindent +Pierre-Marc Fournier, Michel Dagenais, Mathieu Desnoyers +\newline + +\family typewriter +\size footnotesize + +\family default +\size default + +\newline + +\newline +CASI Lab +\newline +École Polytechnique de Montréal +\newline + +\newline +WORK IN PROGRESS +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Introduction +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +This document proposes some APIs for a trace viewing and analysis infrastructure. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Design choices were made based on the experience acquired by the design, + development and use of two previous generations of trace viewers, respectively + the Trace Visualizer from the Linux Trace Toolkit and its successor, the + LTTV from the LTTng tracing toolkit. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Goals +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Provide an infrastructure for fast, interactive visualization and analysis + of huge traces (>10 GB) on standard workstations +\begin_inset Foot +status open + +\begin_layout Standard +Efficiency is of great importance. + It is tempting to think that as computers get faster, it will be possible + to run more complex analyses on traces in a shorter time. + In fact, the size of the traces grows as computers get more powerful, because + they do more operations than before in the same amount of time and therefore + generate more events. + The current tendency to parallelize systems is another factor that results + in bigger traces. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Support live trace processing +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Allow merging of traces of different formats +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Note Note +status open + +\begin_layout Itemize +Design the viewer in such a way that it can run in parallel on multi-core + systems +\begin_inset Note Greyedout +status open + +\begin_layout Standard +(Is it worth it? Beware of complex locking issues) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +; No, we don't. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Design with both command line utilities (C language) and graphical interfaces + (Java and others) in mind, sharing code and standardizing interfaces as + much as possible +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Both command-line interfaces and graphical interfaces have an important + role to play in trace analysis. + While graphical interfaces allow for complex views, command-line utilities + can be used quickly in more environments; they can also be more convenient + in some circumstances. + A good design should be such that they can share code and APIs. +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Section +General aspects +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +All data structures must be accessed through API methods, in order to allow + for internal change without breaking compatibility. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Controlling the tracing of a system +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Overview +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The goal of this API is to provide a portable way of controlling tracing + of heterogenous systems. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +It should enable to do the following actions. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Set the parameters of a trace (channels, buffering, destination of data + (file, network, process)...) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Control the recording of events (start, stop, pause the trace) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Create tracepoints (on dynamic tracers) and control which tracepoints are + activated (some may be at trace level, others might only permit system + level) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Trace control API +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +List the static tracepoints available on a system +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +These may be static tracepoints (active or inactive) or dynamic tracepoints + (active or proposed). +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +Add a new dynamic tracepoint +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Activate a tracepoint +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Deactivate a tracepoint +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +List available probes +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Connect a probe to a tracepoint +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Start tracing +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Stop tracing +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +\begin_inset Note Greyedout +status open + +\begin_layout Standard +others missing... +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Reading traces +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Overview +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection +Timestamps +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Timestamps, at the framework level, should be in an architecture-independent + format. + One possibility would be to have them stored in seconds (with decimals). + Offsetting, if necessary, could be handled by the traceset (trace merging) + level. + An uncertainty value should accompany the timestamp. + Timestamps in cycles should be available if they are provided by the tracer. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Low-level trace reading API +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The goal of this API is to provide a uniform way for the framework to access + the events recorded in a trace, in an encoding-independant way. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection +Factory methods +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +get_supported_formats() +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Arguments: none +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Return: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +a list of supported formats +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +open_trace() +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Arguments: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +trace URL +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +local file name +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +other special url to establish a network connection +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +etc... +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +trace format (optional, for cases where auto detection would not work or + be ambiguous) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Return: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +a trace handle +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Subsubsection +Trace methods +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +close() +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +current_event() +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Arguments: none +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Return: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +the event currently pointed by the position pointer +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +advance() +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Advance the position pointer to the next event in the trace. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Arguments: none +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Return values: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The result: +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +Success +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Final end of trace (end of a non-live trace or of a completed live trace) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +No more events for now (end of a still running live trace) +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +seek_time() +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Arguments: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The time to seek to +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Return: none +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +get_position_handle() +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +seek_to_position_handle() +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +destroy_position_handle() +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +get_time_start() +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Arguments: none +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Return: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +the timestamp of the first event in the trace +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +get_time_end() +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Arguments: none +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Return: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +the timestamp of the last event in the trace +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +register_callback_new_event() +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Register a callback that is called when a new event becomes available in + a live trace. + It is also called when the live trace ends. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Arguments: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +after (timestamp) : call only if the event occurent later than +\emph on +after +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +the callback function +\begin_inset Note Note +status open + +\begin_layout Standard +specify its args and return val +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Return: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Result (success or failure) +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Subsection +High-level trace reading API +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The goal of this API is to provide a uniform way for analyses and views + to obtain trace events from a traceset (merge of many traces or a single + trace), regardless of the system they were recorded on and of the tracer + used. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Request a range of events +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Arguments: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(implicitly) the traceset +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +start timestamp +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +stop timestamp (special value for infinity, for live traces) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +list of event types and callbacks +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +filter with complex expressions +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +private pointer to be passed to the callbacks +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Return: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +handle to the request for cancelling it +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +Cancel a request +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Arguments: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +the handle to the request +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Subsection +State management +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection +State accessing API +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Request the values of a given set of state variables at a point in time +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Arguments: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +the list of state variables +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +the timestamp +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +Request all the states changes of a given set of state variables between + two time indexes +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Arguments: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +the list of state variables +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +timestamp 1 +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +timestamp 2 +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Subsubsection +State setting API +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Describing event types +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Overview +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Because tracepoints may be created dynamically, information about the descriptio +n of events is just as dynamic. + In this context, one simple way to communicate the event description informatio +n to upper layers would be to send them as events, as it is done in recent + versions of LTTV. + The core events used to describe other events are the only ones whose descripti +on is hardcoded in the framework. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +These event-type-describing events could then be received and interpreted + by a module, the Event Description Service, which would be a client to + the high-level tracing API at the same level as normal views and analyses. + It would store the information and allow the other views and analyses to + access it via this API. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Events-describing events +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Event type declaration event +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Announce the existence of an event type +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +event type name +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +Argument declaration event +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Announce the existence of an event argument +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +event type name +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +name +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +type +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +Event destruction +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Announce that an event type ceased to exist +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +event type name +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Subsection +Event type description API +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Get the list of all the event types +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Find an event type by name +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Get the number of arguments of an event +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Get the list of arguments of an event +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Find an argument by name +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Get the type of an argument of an event type +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Get a string representation of an argument of any type, given an event that + contains it an instance of it +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Get an integer representation of an integer argument, a floating-point represent +ation of a floating-point argument +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Functions for accessing other types +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Inspecting events +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Overview +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Events contain the following information. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Timestamp +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Event type identifier +\end_layout + +\begin_deeper +\begin_layout Standard +Two possibilities: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +an event id (integer) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +an event name (string) +\end_layout + +\end_deeper +\begin_layout Itemize +The name of the machine it occured on +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Event inspecting API +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +get the event type identifier +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +get timestamp +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +get the name of the machine on which the event occured +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +get information on the type of tracing technology that was used +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +get the corresponding tracepoint (machine/tracing technology/name/location + in code(if available)) +\end_layout + +\end_body +\end_document diff --git a/trunk/masters-pmf/README b/trunk/masters-pmf/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..26cb0d52 --- /dev/null +++ b/trunk/masters-pmf/README @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +The contents of this directory is work in progress and does not apply to the +current version of LTTV or LTTng. -- 2.34.1